Upgrade Health & Safety Standards With Gutter Mesh
Upgrade Health & Safety Standards With Gutter Mesh
Additionally, those who survive to pay a heavy price as well since they take weeks off from work to heal the injuries, affecting both employees as well as the business. In just over a year, about 8000 claims were lodged for severe injuries from falling off roofs and ladders while working.
How To Solve the Problem?
Given these bleak statistics, several government property owners, managers, and businesses are giving importance to bettering the safety of employees so major injuries and deaths could be prevented, especially for maintenance workers who have to work at tall heights. The main area of a property that requires maintenance is on roofs and gutters; hence an essential step towards reducing the risk of tragic accidents is by limiting the need for jobs such as cleaning gutters. WorkSafe suggests a restructuring of height-related tasks to reduce the frequency of such work. One solution is to install an appropriate gutter mesh over your gutters, which will simultaneously ease out the requirements of gutter cleaning as well as minimize the need for frequently working on heights.
What Does Gutter Mesh Do?
The gutter mesh helps keep leaves and other debris from entering your gutters, which prevents them from clogging – and thus save you from expensive damages caused by flooding. In addition to that, it also minimizes the need for gutter cleaning on tall heights as the mesh blocks entrance of most leaves.
However, it is important to note that the amount of times you may need to get your gutters cleaned – either monthly, annually, or quarterly – depends on the type of foliage and vegetation surrounding your property. Though with the installation of gutter mesh, the frequency of gutter cleaning can be largely reduced, which will improve the safety of your workers and prevent drastic accidents.
Experiences With Gutter Mesh
Gutter Guard King has effectively tested the feasibility of its mesh by working with several commercial properties, universities, and schools – identifying the most appropriate mesh for each building to improve safety standards and also minimize frequent gutter cleaning on heights.
Australian Catholic University New South Wales, used to get their gutters cleaned fortnightly before they installed a 2mm gutter mesh on their campus. Similarly, maintenance staff at North Sydney School had to clean gutters about six times in one year before the installation of a 3.5mm gutter mesh. Hence, it is proven in both examples that the use of Gutter Guard King’ gutter mesh significantly improves safety standards as it minimizes the frequency of gutter cleaning.
Start Looking Today
A worker’s safety and occupational health is an essential responsibility for all businesses and employers. Installing the most appropriate gutter mesh is the best way to reduce gutter-cleaning tasks done on tall heights – and thus, reduce the health risks involved in such a job. Conveniently, Gutter Guard King provides top-notch assistance in choosing the right mesh that matches with your property’s design, location, and environmental condition.
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